Today, I tried to see how many modes / methods / processes I could use to use Winlink.
Using Winlink Express from a Windows PC, I used VARA HF to make connections and send emails on two bands (40m and 20m).
Using Winlink Express from a Windows PC, I used VARA FM to connect to one station.
Using Winlink Express from a Windows PC, I was able to connect to 2m packet station.
Using the Radiomail app from an iOS device, I was able to connect to a 2m packet station by use of a mobilinkd bluetooth TNC.
Using the Radiomail app from an iOS device, I was able to connect to a 2m VARA FM station by using my internal network (wifi) to connect to the VARA FM program on a Windows PC to then use my Icom 9700 to connect to the VARA FM station (iOS device, wifi network, Windows PC, VARA FM app, Icom 9700, remote VARA FM station).
Using an HT that natively supports APRS, I logged into my Winlink account using APRS commands directly from the interface of the radio (APRSLink) and sent an email.
Using the app on an iOS device, I connected to an HT that is not an APRS-capable radio, using a bluetooth TNC (mobilinkd). I logged into my Winlink account using APRS commands (APRSLink), and sent an email.
By use of both APRS and Winlink, we can send text messages to phones directly from a radio (by use of carrier-specific protocols, e.g. for Verizon) - and we can send emails directly from the radio using APRS. Note: To do the text thing, you must whitelist certain email addresses to both send and receive emails via Winlink to go to SMS text boxes. This is a Winlink requirement, not a carrier requirement.
I'm happy to show folks how I have done all of this - and I'd love to know more about how other people are using APRS and Winlink as well to communicate with hams and non-hams! Winlink Wednesday for the win!